17th century

Windbreak entrance mural painting

Windbreak entrance mural painting

Oil paint on canvas

Oil paint on canvas
The oldest Irish Dominican Convent Church in the world, founded in 1639, to welcome Irish religious women fleeing persecution.
This conventual church has a mannerist and baroque architecture displayed in an octagonal centralized plan, with a dome covered with tiles, a tiled roof and the building is supported by buttresses terminated by spears.
Inside, the highlight goes to the main altarpiece and the 17th century silver reliquary that was decorated by Bento Coelho da Silveira. On the remaining altars gilded carved wood altars and decorative painted walls imitating different stones.
In the present the convent belongs to a community of Irish nuns and is a private school.
Conservation and restoration of carved wood gilded altars and mural painting.

Reproduction of original mural painting

Reproduction of original mural painting